Ignazio Ciufolini.

Main Honours, Awards, Fellowships and Mentions

2010: International Occhialini Prize and Medal of the UK Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Italian Physical S ociety (SIF).

2007: Cover of the 6th September 2007 issue (n. 449) of Nature dedicated to his review paper on Dragging of Inertial Frames and General Relativity.

2001: International Tomassoni-Chisesi Award for Physics of Sapienza, University of Rome. The prize is awarded to recognize and encourage outstanding achievements in physics; other recipients of the international prize were, among the others, Edward Norton Lorenz, pioneer of Chaos Theory, and Gabriele Veneziano, one of the pioneers of String Theory.

1996: Award of the US ‘American Association of Publishers’ ( PROSE Award ) as author (with John A. Wheeler) of the best 1995 professional and scholar book in physics and astronomy (Gravitation and Inertia, Princeton University Press).


2013. Nomination for the 2013 World Technology Awards, category ‘Space‘.

2012: Team Award of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) for the LARES mission.

2006. ‘Chiamata per chiara fama’, as full professor by Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale, Sapienza University of Rome.

1987. First place of the USA National Research Council for the 1987 JPL-Caltech Fellowship (not accepted).

1983. Ph.D. in Physics of the University of Texas at Austin. Thesis title: 'Theory and experiments in general relativity and other metric theories of gravity'. Members of the Supervising Committee were: Richard Matzner, Lawrence C. Shepley, Marek Demianski, Steven Weinberg, James W. Vick, Brice DeWitt and John A. Wheeler.

1980: 'Magna cum Laude' (i.e. with honors) Laurea in Mathematics of the Sapienza University of Rome.

Books (and main papers)

Cover Gravitation and Inertia  Gravitation and Inertia
Ignazio Ciufolini & John Archibald Wheeler

Winner of the 1996 Award for Best Professional/Scholarly Book in Physics and Astronomy, Association of American Publishers

Princeton University Press (1995)
Cover Wheeler Book General Relativity and John Archibald Wheeler
Editors: Ignazio Ciufolini, Richard A. Matzner
Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 367

Springer (2010)
Cover Nature 2007 Nature 449, 41-47 (6 September 2007)
Dragging of inertial frames
Ignazio Ciufolini
